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About:  Khutba Juma
Muslims observe Friday sermons, or Khutbah Jumu'ah, as an important part of their Islamic worship. It is an essential component of the congregational prayer held on Fridays, known as Jumu'ah, which is particularly significant in Islam. The sermon or address given by an Imam or other religious authority on Fridays prior to congregational prayer is referred to as the "Khutbah".
Usually delivered in the majority of attendees' native tongue or in the local language of the community, the Khutbah Jumu'ah is divided into two halves. The Imam has the chance to speak to the congregation during the Khutbah on a variety of topics, including as moral instruction, religious teachings, social issues, and current affairs. The two sections of the Khutbah are summarized as follows:
First Section (Khutbat al-Haajah): The Imam opens the sermon by reciting passages from the Quran and giving a succinct introduction dubbed Khutbat al-Haajah. The Imam frequently extols Allah in this passage, bestows blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and runs to Allah for protection from hostile powers. The intention is to establish an environment of appreciation, humility, and reverence prior to discussing the sermon's key points.
Khutbat al-Jumu'ah, the second part: The Imam then gives a speech to the assembly covering a range of subjects important to the moral, social, and spiritual development of the neighborhood. This section may contain discussions of morality, Islamic teachings, advice on personal behavior, and thoughts on current events. During this time, the Imam might also remind the assembly of their obligations as Muslims and promote deeds of generosity, kindness, and community service.
The Imam ends the Khutbah with a du'a, or prayer, asking Allah to grant the Muslim community as a whole mercy, guidance, and benefits. The assembly prays Salat al-Jumu'ah, a two-unit Jumu'ah prayer, led by the Imam after the discourse.
While it is encouraged for women, children, and travelers, adult Muslim men are required to participate in the Jumu'ah prayer and hear the Khutbah. For Muslims, the Friday congregational prayer is a weekly opportunity to fortify their bonds with one another, seek guidance, and reaffirm their dedication to Islamic values. In order to promote spirituality, wisdom, and solidarity among Muslims, the Khutbah Jumu'ah is essential.